W.O.W Really dunno how many times I cried already....Lost count lerh...
I CANT BELIEVE THAT EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Talk about a change of topic...
OMG...Form 4 is going to be officially over after um...5~6 days?? I don't know...I don't care...
I remembered 2 weeks ago, I dreaded for the 2 freaking stinking dumbest weeks of the month pass by...But now, I'm not really sure what I want.
I finished my exams, Its the holidays, I'm going to Damai, Guzheng exam soon, and After my Bday, I'm learning how to drive(That is if I don't smash my car[& by my car, I mean my parents' car...XD] into something.) When I finished my add maths paper , I walked down the stairs, wondering if all of it was just a dream. Did I really go through that 2 weeks?? Or was it just another nightmare waiting to haunt me in my life? Then I realized...I really DID finished my exams and I went through my 1st year as a senior. I really cannot believe that one year, this year is going to end soon. It was as if I was still holding my PMR slip and BAM! END of form 4!!
If you told me that I'm going to say I miss form 4 when I was in form 1, I would probably say:" Yea right, in a million years maybe!!" And then laugh in your face but I think I really am going to miss form 4...A lot of things happened this year, not as serious as those things that happened in Form 1 but still...I'm never gonna forget them. My friends, family, school(not so much though>.<) and most importantly, God. For letting me be here, telling you (whoever is reading)this...
"Time and tide waits for no man" Time really flies...and even if you had ALL the riches in the world, you can't buy back time. So I say, Appreciate who and what you've got now(But that doesn't mean that I can't dream of having an i pod or a new hand phone right?Haha...). There's no telling bout tomorrow...So I think I'll just enjoy my coming holidays...for now...and stop worrying about the future. It will come naturally...I guess.