Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is it just another crush?

I don't know how to put this in words but he's the kind of guy that makes me wanna know more about him...I first saw him during the production rehearsal and I did think he was kinda cute...But I didn't even know his name... Quite a lot of things have happened since then but...I think we are still just 2 people who know each other by their faces and names but to be called as friends...Its still way too early. I really hope that he would be going this Friday and I get more chances to talk to him. But I guess in the end, I'll have to leave everything to God...

I don't know how to be sure that it's just more than a crush...but i think I'll know it when I know it. Haha...Im not really making sense right now...I just wanna see him right now. Don't ask me why. Just have the urge to. =.=lll I think I'm going crazy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Remember the time I blogged about the breaking class being cancelled? And I got so pissed that I din go the following week...Then, the week after that, it was that time of the month so I didn't go. They are performing 4 the drama production and I would never have known about it if I wasn't dragged in at the last minute by Jerome to be a backup dancer 4 the production. I saw them practicing in the lobby at B block...Honestly...I was feeling a little left out. But I tried not to care and I told myself that it was a good thing because I'm helping the drama club...

Yesterday...we had practice the whole day in Swinburne and dance club was there to do their routine on stage...I have to admit that they were pretty good. And there was a girl who just joined this SDC this semester and she is a great dancer. Hew (the drama club president & former SDC member) asked Jude(my master) who was the girl and if she was new? Jude said yes and purposely said yes, she good hor? Better than somebody...(looks over to me) and I was kinda pissed so I said "YEAH, SHE'S GOOD!" Then I think Hew asked him why wasn't I in the routine, he said I HAO LIAN!!

I mean WTF?!?! They NEVER inform me if they had practice or not and now Im the one to blame? Well..I'm sorry for not being able to dance that well! I was almost in tears when I said "YEAH, SHE'S GOOD!" and I had to fumble in my bag and pretend to look for my apple! So sien...now I'm not sure if I should continue to go 4 breaking classes......Sien.

What to do?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Makes me wonder....

Had a chat with you, makes me wonder if what u said was true...But then even if it was true, u probably just meant it as a friend huh? Nothing more than that...I think actually I'm the pathetic one....Can't believe that I can actually BE this lame...Getting tired of all this....

Ugh...what came over me?! Probably its cause im alone in the car listening to 3mo songs....All well...All the best to the 2 of you. Pray that everything would turn out the way you want it to be...

Just a random fact, I LOVE USUI TAKUMI!!! So romantic!!!! XD (yeah yeah, lame, I know...)

Gotta go Now...TTFN!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I also duno want to write what today....everytime I am able to be online, I just run out of ideas... I guess I miss you guys & girls too much liao...All my emotions would spill out when I see you people again....

At the least all of you are so much better than those I'm having. OMG. I'm taking nonsense. I guess im going crazy.... So many assignments and Im wasting my saturday evening blogging....not that blogging is a bad thing....but.....

Haiz....Gotta stop my habit of getting things done at the last minute....

だれか? たせけてください!!!